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Welcome to MUDhalla, a website dedicated to multiplayer text adventure games, 
also known as MUDs. Getting started is relatively easy and you could be       
playing your first text adventure in a matter of minutes.                     
On Windows systems we suggest installing the TinTin++ Mud Client using the    
Windows installer named WinTin++. WinTin++ will automatically open telnet     
links on the MUDhalla Mud List once installed. If you are blind and are using 
a screen reader you should launch WinTin++ from the start menu selecting the  
(Windows Console) link. On other systems you can either install TinTin++ or   
use the default telnet program.                                               
The MUDhalla Mud List contains a wide variety of text adventure games for you 
to choose from. If you enjoy taking online tests (who doesn't?) check out our 
test section.                                                                 